More on Sunny Isle

Today’s Roll Call discusses Chairman Rangel’s reporting of his Sunny Isle condo transactions.  The article notes “the inconsistent reports are myriad errors, discrepancies and unexplained entries on Rangel’s personal disclosure forms over the past eight years that make it almost impossible to get a clear picture of the Ways and Means chairman’s financial dealings over time.” 

I remain puzzled as to how these discrepancies, which are evident on the face of the disclosure forms, escaped notice by the House Ethics Committee for so many years.

DC Circuit to hear argument in Miers Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit today set oral argument in the White House subpoena case for September 16th at 2:30 p.m. before Circuit Judges Douglas Ginsburg, David Tatel, and Raymond Randolph. The sides each have 15 minutes.

Chairman Rangel, Sunny Isles and the Perils of Financial Disclosure

          Representative Charles Rangel, the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, has been in hot water for several matters, most recently his ownership of a beach property in the Dominican Republic.  Rangel has acknowledged that he failed to pay taxes on income from the property and failed to properly disclose that income on his annual financial disclosure report (FD).            

            Rangel’s FDs, it should be noted, were filled out by hand, presumably by Rangel himself.  If that is the case, it should hardly be a surprise if there are inaccuracies in the filings.  Filling out an FD is a time-consuming and complicated process, and the rules and guidance are often unclear.  One can imagine that a Member of Congress would not have the time to do a proper job of it.

             A look at Rangel’s FDs illustrates the legal and ethical jeopardy that Members of Congress may face when these reports are scrutinized, particularly in light of the Justice Department’s ongoing prosecution of Senator Ted Stevens for filing false FDs. Rangel’s FDs, like those of other Members of Congress, may be found at (I accessed them through the CREW website).     

Rather than look at one of the previously scrutinized matters, I focused my attention on Rangel’s ownership of a condominium in Sunny Isles, Florida. This was mentioned in passing in a July 11, 2008 NY Times article by David Kocieniewski, who noted that Rangel “bought a condominium in 2004 in Sunny Isles, Fla. for $50,000 to $100,000 and sold it last year for $100,000 to $250,000.”

The article’s information presumably came from Rangel’s FDs, but a closer look raises a number of questions. Rangel’s FD for 2004 does indeed indicate, in the “Assets and Unearned Income” Section, that the Sunny Isles condominium (located in the Winston Towers 500 building in Sunny Isles) was valued at $50,001 to $100,000 at the end of 2004. However, in the “Transactions” Section, it is indicated that Rangel purchased the condominium on March 4, 2004 for $100,001 to $250,000.

It is possible that Rangel bought the property for slightly more than $100,000 and its value declined to below $100,000 by the end of the year. A far more likely possibility, however, is that Rangel marked the wrong box in one of the sections. My guess is that he paid more than $100,000 for the condo, but this is just a guess.

Another interesting fact is that Rangel’s 2004 and 2005 FDs indicate “rent” as the “type of income” for the Sunny Isles condo, but state “none” as the “amount of income.” If he received no income, one wonders why he put “rent” as the type of income. He did the same thing for several years with respect to the property in the Dominican Republic, where he identified rent as the type of income but (apparently inaccurately) put “none” as the amount. This raises a question as to the accuracy of the Sunny Isle disclosure.

Rangel’s 2006 FD is also puzzling. The “Transactions” Section shows that the Sunny Isles condo was sold for $250,000 to $500,000. The date of the transaction is put as “7-21-07.” This, however, must be wrong since the 2006 FD was filed on June 15, 2007 and, in any event, the 2006 FD is only supposed to disclose transactions that occurred during calendar year 2006. One might assume, therefore, that the transaction occurred on 7-21-06, but again, this is a guess.

If Rangel made a profit on the sale of the condo, he also probably should have disclosed that in the “Assets and Unearned Income” Section of the 2006 FD. I say “probably” because the form requires the disclosure of “capital gains” from the sale of an asset. “Capital gains” is a tax term, and it has never been entirely clear to me what happens if a filer sells an asset, and the profit is not a taxable “capital gain” (eg, if a stock is sold in a 401k).

If all of this is not confusing enough, Rangel’s 2007 FD also discloses, in the “Transactions” Section, the sale of the Sunny Isles condo. This time the date of the sale is left blank. The amount of the sale, however, is stated to be $100,001 to $250,000. Was this an attempt to correct the previous year’s filing? Who knows?

In short, Rangel’s FDs leave a number of questions regarding the Sunny Isles condo. Was it purchased for 50-100k or for 100-250k? Was there rental income or not? Was it sold in 2006 or 2007? Was it sold for 100-250k or 250-500k? Did Rangel make a profit on the sale?

The one thing that seems clear is that Rangel’s FDs were not carefully prepared or reviewed prior to filing. Moreover, the House Ethics Committee either did not review the filings, or failed to notice any of the internal discrepancies related to the Sunny Isles condo.

Miers Case on Hold Until Wednesday

          A panel of judges (Ginsburg, Randolph and Tatel) of the D.C. Circuit has granted an “administrative stay” of Judge Bates’s order in the Miers contempt case.  This stay is not the relief that the Executive Branch is asking for, which is a stay pending appeal, but a brief stay while the court considers whether to grant a stay pending appeal.  The stay issued on September 4, the date on which the White House was supposed to turn over non-privileged documents to the Judiciary Committee.  Presumably, it did not do so. 

            The appellate panel ordered the parties to address three questions by next week: (1) whether there is appellate jurisdiction over the appeal; (2) whether the case will become moot on expiration of the 110th Congress; and (3) if the court has jurisdiction and issues a stay pending appeal, what briefing schedule would the parties propose on the merits.  The final brief on this is due the afternoon of September 10; Harriet Miers is scheduled to testify on September 11. 

            I am not sure what to make of this.  You have a panel of two Republican appointees (Ginsburg and Randolph) and one Democratic appointee (Tatel).  Obviously they recognize the importance of this matter and want to think about it carefully.  I also suspect that they would like (a) to dispose of the case on the narrowest possible grounds and (b) reach a unanimous decision if possible. 

            Finding no appellate jurisdiction may be the simplest way to achieve these objectives (I am assuming that the exercise of jurisdiction here is either discretionary or a very close call legally).  OTOH, they may want to try to put pressure on the parties to resolve the issue through negotiation, which would require exercising appellate jurisdiction.  But it is hard to figure out how they can put pressure on both parties at the same time.  Perhaps they could give the parties a short period to work out a settlement with the proviso that the good faith of each party’s effort would be considered in ruling on a stay pending appeal. 

Judge Bates Denies a Stay

            Judge Bates denies the Justice Department’s request for a stay in the Miers case.   His analysis of the four stay factors largely proceeds along the lines I expected.  While I thought he might give some credit to the Executive’s chances of prevailing on appeal simply based on the novelty of the issues presented, he does not: 

Without any supporting judicial precedent whatsoever—and, indeed, in the face of Supreme Court case law that effectively forecloses the basis for the assertion of absolute immunity here—it is difficult to see how the Executive can demonstrate that it has a substantial likelihood of success on appeal, or even that a serious legal question is presented.  The Executive’s argument boils down to a claim that a stay is appropriate because the underlying issue is important.  But that is beside the point and does not demonstrate a likelihood of success on the merits.  Simply calling an issue important—primarily because it involves the relationship of the political branches—does not transform the Executive’s weak arguments into a likelihood of success or a substantial appellate issue. 

            The court also observes that “[h]ad the litigants indicated that a negotiated solution was foreseeable in the near future, the Court may have stayed its hand in the hope the further intervention in this dispute by the Article III branch would not be necessary.”  Judge Bates points out that his prior order “does not compel Ms. Miers to appear at any particular date,” and urges the parties to reach a negotiated solution rather than continuing to bring disputes to the court. 

            I assume that the Executive will now seek a stay from the D.C. Circuit.  If this effort fails (and the odds are that it will), the Justice Department will have four options: (1) work out a negotiated solution with the Committee; (2) make an offer to the Committee that is sufficiently reasonable that it can return to Judge Bates if the Committee refuses; (3) have Miers appear at a Committee hearing and assert executive privilege on a question-by-question basis; or (4) have Miers continue to refuse to appear, risking the possibility that Judge Bates will hold her in contempt.

Senate Ethics Guidance May Prove a Liability for Stevens Prosecution

            One other motion filed by Senator Stevens should be noted because it refers to what I anticipate will be at the core of his defense.   The issue, explained below, is whether Senate Ethics guidelines clearly require the disclosure of the “things of value” Stevens received. 

            The government charges that Stevens received various things of value over a seven-year period (1999-2006) from VECO and its CEO, Bill Allen, and that Stevens falsified his financial disclosure reports (FDs) for those years by failing to report these things of value as either gifts or liabilities.  In particular, the government alleges that from 2000 to 2006, “STEVENS accepted from ALLEN and VECO more than $250,000 in free labor, materials, and other things of value in connection with the substantial renovation, improvement, repair and maintenance to [Stevens’s personal residence in Girdwood, Alaska].” 

            Significantly, the indictment alleges that these things of value had to be disclosed as either a gift or liability, but does not specify which.  In his motion, Stevens asks: “Was it a gift or liability?  Why did this alleged gift or liability qualify as such under the applicable rules for completing the form in question?  Notably, the monetary disclosure thresholds are vastly different for gifts and liabilities:  during the relevant period a gift had to be disclosed if it exceeded an amount between $260 and $305, while a liability had to be disclosed only if it exceeded $10,000.” 

            In a footnote, Stevens amplifies this point: “Wholly absent from the indictment is any allegation by the government about why the things of value at issue qualified as a ‘gift’ or ‘liability’ as those items are described on the face of the Financial Disclosure Form.  These words, in the context of the completion of the form, are terms of art and cannot be interpreted colloquially or cavalierly.  See Senate Financial Disclosure Report, date 3/08, pp. 14-17, available at  (instructions for “Gifts” and “Liabilities” sections) (relevant pages attached as Exh. 1).”  

Piecing these points together with what has been reported about the Stevens case, I anticipate that the Senator’s defense will go something like this: (1) Stevens expected that he would be billed in the ordinary course for any work performed on his house; (2) Stevens paid those bills he received but did not keep close track of what work had been done versus what work was billed; (3) to the extent that work was performed but not billed, Stevens did not understand that he was required to report this as a “liability” on his FD; and (4) a reasonable person, reading the Senate Ethics rules, instructions and guidance would not have understood that there was any such obligation.

From the prosecution’s perspective, the last point could be a bit of a problem. Looking at the Senate FD form, one would be hard-pressed to reach the conclusion that disclosure of unbilled contractor work is required. The page for reporting liabilities states: “Report liabilities over $10,000 owed by you, your spouse, or dependent child . . . to any one creditor at any time during the reporting period. Check the highest amount owed during the reporting period. Exclude: (1) Mortgages on your personal residences unless rented; (2) loans secured by automobiles, household furniture or appliances; and (3) liabilities owed to certain relatives listed in Instructions. See Instructions for reporting revolving charge accounts.”

The language used here directs the filer’s attention to mortgages, financed purchases, credit card balances and similar types of loan transactions. Similarly, the two examples given, “mortgage on undeveloped land” and “promissory note,” suggest the type of transaction associated with the extension of credit, rather than a debt incurred in the ordinary course of commerce.

The Instructions for filling out the FD also are suggestive of a loan-type transaction. For example, the instructions state: “Report the name and address (city, state) of the creditor to whom the liability is owed. You must also indicate the type of liability and date the liability was incurred, interest rate, and term (if applicable) of each liability. The category of value which must be checked is that which indicates the highest amount owed on that liability during the reporting period, not just at the end of the period. If the liability was completely paid during the reporting period, you may also note that on the form if you wish.”

The brief discussion of “liabilities” in the Senate Ethics Manual is similarly indicative of some sort of loan: Personal obligations aggregating over $10,000 owed to one creditor at any time during the reporting period, regardless of repayment terms or interest rates, must be reported. The identity (name of the creditor), type, interest rate, term and amount of the liability must be stated. Except for revolving charge accounts (e.g. credit card accounts), the largest amount owed during the calendar year is the value to be reported. For revolving charge accounts, the value is determined by using the balance occurring within 30 days of the end of the reporting period (e.g. for annual Reports, the year-end or December balance is used); however, if the revolving charge account is less than $10,000 at the close of the reporting period, no reporting is required.”

With one exception, all of the examples given in these sources, including the examples of things that do not need to be disclosed, involve loan-type liabilities that would ordinarily be owed to financial institutions and carry an interest-rate of some sort. The one exception is that the Ethics Manual notes that Senate filers are “not required to report tax deficiencies [because] such matters involve the government as a creditor, are normally confidential, and may be contested.” Even this example (of something that need not be disclosed) involves a debt that is overdue and carries an interest rate established by law.

It would not be surprising if the average Senate filer, reading these various sources of guidance, reached the conclusion that “liabilities” did not extend to bills received in the ordinary course of commerce. This conclusion is buttressed by a quick review of the most recent FDs of 28 Senators (Akaka through Craig, excluding Bingamin and Corker, whose FDs I could not, for some reason, open). These Senators either reported no liabilities, or reported liabilities such as “mortgage,” “line of credit,” “promissory note,” “credit card,” or “student loan.” None of the FDs reported ordinary debts to contractors or others who provide goods and services without some credit aspect.

Of course, a wider search might yield different results. But one would expect that there would be a fair number of filers in recent years who incur obligations of more than $10,000 to someone during the course of a year. Anyone who has had a kitchen remodeled or any other substantial home project can testify that it doesn’t take much to reach the $10,000 mark. Not to mention things like medical bills or attorneys fees, which can easily reach those levels. If in fact there are few or no Senate filers who have disclosed such items, one could infer that the term “liability” has not been interpreted to reach such ordinary debts.

If Stevens makes this argument, the prosecution will no doubt respond that a debt owed to a contractor falls within the literal language of the Ethics in Government Act, which requires disclosure, with some exceptions not applicable here, of “total liabilities owed to any creditor” (see 5 U.S.C. App. § 102 (a) ((4)). It could rely on Opinion 94-11 (5-25-94) of the Office of Government Ethics, which advised that executive branch employees must disclose “outstanding fees for legal or other services as a liability on a public financial disclosure report.” OGE rejected the argument that the terms “liabilities” or “creditor” could be “limited to cash loans” or “defined in a manner other than their ordinary usage.” It therefore concluded that “[l]iabilities owed to creditors typically include promissory notes, mortgages, debts arising out of installment sales agreements, outstanding fees for personal services, revolving charge accounts such as credit card balances, outstanding bills for consumer goods and services, contractual financial obligations, overdue tax liabilities, and any other debt owed to a creditor.”

There are, however, two problems with this response. First, while OGE has the authority to interpret financial disclosure requirements for the executive branch, it has no such authority with regard to the legislative branch. The fact that the Senate Ethics Committee has apparently chosen not to incorporate OGE’s advice in the guidance provided to Senate filers may suggest that the Committee was not in agreement with this advice. If anything, the Committee’s silence arguably underscores the ambiguity in the instructions provided to Senate filers on this point, ambiguity which, as noted in an earlier post, the court is constitutionally prohibited from resolving with its own interpretation.

Finally, even if the OGE opinion controlled, the prosecution might have a problem. The opinion refers to “outstanding bills” for goods and services, but Stevens did not receive any bills for the services that are at issue. Thus, it is not at all clear, under the OGE opinion, that Stevens would have an obligation to disclose unbilled work as a “liability.”

These considerations suggest that the prosecution may have a difficult time proving that Stevens falsified his FD by failing to disclose liabilities.

Stevens and Separation of Powers

         Senator Stevens has filed another interesting motion, one that seeks to have his indictment dismissed on separation of powers grounds.  His theory is that the requirement that Senators file financial disclosure statements is one imposed by Senate rule, not by law.  He recognizes, of course, that there is a statute, the Ethics in Government Act, imposing precisely this requirement, but contends that “the Act as applied to a house of Congress must be read as advisory only.”  This is because “Article I, Section 5 specifically reserves to the Senate, not the full Congress, the authority to make rules governing its members, such as the requirement to file a Financial Disclosure Form.”

Stevens appears to be arguing that the Constitution prohibits Congress from enacting laws regulating the conduct of Members of Congress because such regulation is the exclusive province of each House under the Rulemaking and Disciplinary Clauses. If this is his argument, it is an astonishingly broad and radical one. It would suggest, for example, that laws prohibiting Members from accepting bribes or gifts are constitutionally invalid.

Among other problems, this theory contravenes the Supreme Court’s holding more than a century ago in Burton v. United States, 202 U.S. 344 (1906). In Burton (a case not cited by Stevens), the Court upheld the conviction of a U.S. Senator for violating a statute that prohibited any Member of Congress from receiving or agreeing to receive compensation for services before a department of the government in connection with matters in which the U.S. had a direct or indirect interest. In so doing, the Court rejected the argument that enforcing the statute would impermissibly interfere with the Senate’s constitutional authority over its members, under the Disciplinary Clause in particular: “A statute like the one before us . . . can be executed without in any degree impinging upon the rightful authority of the Senate over its members or interfering with the legitimate duties of a Senator.” Id. at 367.

Stevens cites a law review article, Aaron-Andrew P. Bruhl, Using Statutes to Set Legislative Rules: Entrenchment, Separation of Powers, and the Rules of Proceedings Clause, 19 J.L.& Pol. 345 (2003), which makes a rather persuasive case that the Constitution forbids the enactment of legally binding statutes (i.e., statutes which cannot be changed except by a subsequent statute enacted through bicameral passage and presentment) to govern the procedures of either House. But the focus of this article is on legislative procedures, such as fast track, not on regulations regarding the conduct of individual members. It is one thing to argue that each House must remain free to determine how it will consider and pass legislation, and quite another to suggest that Congress is disabled from requiring, by law, that members conduct themselves ethically while in office.

Interestingly, though, Stevens did not have to argue that Congress is constitutionally prohibited from enacting laws governing its members. He could have simply argued that in the case of the Ethics in Government Act, Congress chose not to do so. This is because Pub. L. 101-194, which re-enacted the financial disclosure and other requirements of the Act as applied to Congress, explicitly states that it is enacted with respect to the Members, officers and employees of the legislative branch “as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House of Representatives and the Senate, respectively.” Moreover, the law provided that this exercise of the rulemaking power was with full recognition of the constitutional right of either House to change such rules (so far as relating to such House) at any time, in the same manner, and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of such House.”

These provisions create a constitutional puzzle. If, in fact, either House can change the provisions of the Ethics in Government Act with respect to its members by a unilateral exercise of its rulemaking power, then those provisions would appear to be what Bruhl calls “statutized rules.” It is certainly questionable whether the executive and judicial branches would have any proper role in enforcing or applying these rules with regard to Members of Congress. Conversely, it could be argued the Ethics in Government Act is in fact a proper law, and thus Congress has no authority to change it without complying with the requirements for amending a statute, notwithstanding its attempt to reserve that authority.

The D.C. Circuit’s decision in United States v. Rose, 28 F.3d 181 (D.C. Cir. 1994), lends some support to the latter position. In that case the court rejected the argument that the Justice Department had violated separation of powers principles by bringing suit against a congressman under the Ethics in Government Act after the House Ethics Committee had determined that the financial disclosure violations at issue had been inadvertent. The court explained:

We do not think the DOJ’s action against Congressman Rose offends the separation of powers doctrine. The DOJ brought this action under section 706 of the Ethics Act, which authorizes it to investigate and prosecute “knowing and willful violations of the Act. It is true that the disclosure requirements of the Ethics Act applicable to Members of Congress have been incorporated into the House Rules . . . , which are enforced by the House pursuant to its constitutional power to discipline its Members. But by codifying these requirements in a statute, Congress has empowered the executive and judicial branches to enforce them; in bringing this action, then, the DOJ was fulfilling its constitutional responsibilities, not encroaching on Congress’s.

This language appears to reject any implication that the financial disclosure requirements of the Act are merely exercises of the rule-making power as applied to Members, officers and employees of the legislative branch. However, the court’s opinion does not directly address the reservation of authority language contained in Section 1201 of Pub. L. 101-194.

Stevens, incidentally, tries to get around the holding in Rose by arguing that it was somehow superseded by the Supreme Court’s holding in Clinton v. New York, 524 U.S. 417 (1997) (the line item veto case). I find this reasoning rather hard to follow. The line item veto case has nothing to do with Congress’s authority to enact statutory restrictions on its members. The Court does say, as Stevens notes, that one branch may not abdicate its constitutional powers to another, but this begs the question of whether statutes like the Ethics in Government Act represent an abdication of the congressional rulemaking and disciplinary powers or a proper exercise of the legislative power (as suggested by Burton, Rose, and other cases).

In any event, there is an additional problem with Stevens’s argument. He is not being prosecuted for violating the Ethics in Government Act. He is being prosecuted for violating the False Statements Act. Unlike the Ethics in Government Act, the False Statements Act does not purport to be an exercise of the congressional rulemaking power. Indeed, it would seem to be a “law of general applicability” (i.e., one that does not purport to impose any obligations upon Members of Congress different from those imposed on other citizens), for which, even Stevens acknowledges, Members of Congress can be prosecuted.

Moreover, it is well-established, at least in the D.C. Circuit, that the government may rely on unambiguous congressional rules as part of its proof of a statutory violation. Thus, for example, in a prosecution of a Representative for fraud and embezzlement of public funds, the government may introduce the House Rules to show that the defendant’s use of the funds in question was for an unauthorized purpose. United States v. Rostenkowski, 59 F.3d 1291 (D.C. Cir. 1995). Nor can there be any serious question that this remains the law of the circuit. As recently as last year, the D.C. Circuit relied on a rule of the House Ethics Committee in determining that a Representative could be held liable for violating the statute prohibiting disclosure of unlawfully intercepted communications. Boehner v. McDermott, 484 F.3d 573 (D.C. Cir. 2007) (en banc).

Stevens thus has virtually no chance of prevailing on his motion to dismiss at this juncture. But he is not totally out of luck. Under the Rostenkowksi case, if the Senate rules regarding financial disclosure are shown to be ambiguous with regard to the conduct charged, the separation of powers doctrine would require the court to dismiss the charge(s) in question rather than interpret the ambiguous rule. This would most likely come up with regard to the Senate rules regarding disclosure of liabilities. The instructions of the Senate Ethics Committee regarding the reporting of liabilities are very brief and do not clearly state whether ordinary debts incurred in the course of commerce need be reported. Stevens could argue that these instructions are ambiguous as applied to his situation and thus cannot be used as a basis for prosecuting him.

The Prosecution’s Assault on Senator Stevens’ Legislative Privilege

       The prosecution’s motion in limine in the Stevens case lays out the evidence that it intends to introduce “concerning solicitations made by [VECO] and its executives or non-legislative acts taken by Senator Theodore F. Stevens or his staff in response to VECO’s solicitations.”  The government seeks a ruling in advance of trial that such evidence does not run afoul of the Speech or Debate Clause.  As I will suggest below, a significant amount of this evidence does in fact appear to violate the letter and/or spirit of the Speech or Debate Clause.

The prosecution’s evidence can be broken down into three categories. First, there is evidence regarding assistance requested from or provided by Stevens and/or his staff with regard to executive agencies or foreign governments. These matters involve interventions by Stevens or his office in furtherance of VECO’s business interests. For example, in 1999 Stevens allegedly arranged a meeting between VECO and FEMA “for VECO to attempt to obtain a federal contract, through FEMA, to do rebuilding in the former Yugoslavia.” Similarly, in 1999 Stevens and VECO President Allen are said to have traveled to Sakhalin Island to meet with Russian officials as part of an effort by VECO to obtain contracts from the Russian government.

Generally speaking, this type of “constituent service” is not covered by the Speech or Debate Clause. Although the courts have recognized that it is common and appropriate for Members of Congress to perform a variety of services on behalf of their constituents, these services do not fall within the “legislative sphere” protected by the Speech or Debate privilege.

The second category of evidence relates to requests for assistance which appears to be legislative in nature. For example, in 2004 Allen allegedly wrote to Stevens seeking a $5 million earmark in one of the FY 2005 Appropriations Bills.

Here the prosecution’s theory is that although the assistance requested is legislative in nature, the request itself is not. The government relies primarily on United States v. Helstoski, 442 U.S. 477, 489 (1979), which held that a promise to perform a legislative act in the future is not a legislative act. Thus, in a bribery case the government can show that the bribed official agreed to perform a legislative act in exchange for money so long as it introduces no evidence regarding the actual performance of the legislative act. The government argues that “[i]f a Member’s agreement to perform a future act is not privileged, it logically follows that a constituent’s request for assistance is not shielded by the Clause either. A Member cannot agree to perform a future official or political act if a constituent has not asked for one.”

The government also relies on cases which hold that the Speech or Debate Clause does not apply to communications outside the “halls of Congress.” An example would be Hutchinson v. Proxmire, 443 U.S. 111 (1979), which held that the Speech or Debate Clause did not protect a Senator against defamation claims relating to statements made to the press or the general public.

The government’s theory raises fundamental questions about the scope of the Speech or Debate Clause. Although it is true that the case law it cites contains broad language limiting the reach of the Clause’s protections, that language has been applied in the specific context of bribery or defamation-type cases. Under the government’s theory, this language could be used to eviscerate the Clause’s protections entirely. For example, while the government could not introduce evidence that Stevens voted to approve the FY 2005 earmark in question, it could introduce evidence of (a) any requests made by VECO or others that Stevens support this earmark, (b) any discussions that Stevens may have had regarding the earmark in advance of the actual vote, and (c) any communications that Stevens made “outside the halls of Congress” regarding the vote after it occurred. It is difficult to see what would be left of the privilege at that point.

The final category of evidence relates to actions and communications relating to a major public policy issue in the State of Alaska, the construction of a natural gas pipeline within the state. This issue evidently involved a complex interaction between state and federal jurisdiction, and required both federal and state legislation, as well as other governmental actions, to resolve.

The government’s theory here, consistent with its views with regard to the earmark, is that all of the evidence relating to this category, except perhaps direct evidence of how Stevens voted on the federal enabling legislation, is beyond the scope of Speech or Debate. Thus, “when Senator Stevens provided VECO with e-mail communications, status reports, and other forms of updates concerning the federal enabling legislation dealing with the natural gas pipeline,” these communications were unprotected by Speech or Debate. Similarly, communications or actions by Stevens and his staff relating to the state legislation that was required in order to implement the federal enabling legislation would also be unprotected. An example would be a speech given by Stevens on July 7, 2006 to the Alaska Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee in which he urged the committee to pass the pipeline legislation in order to prevent the pipeline project from being crippled. The government argues that this speech is unprotected both because it was made outside the halls of Congress and because it addressed state, not federal, legislation.

I find this troubling for several reasons. If the Speech or Debate Clause means anything, one would think that it means that the government cannot prosecute a Member of Congress for the legislation that he has supported and the policies he has advocated in his official capacity. But under the government’s theory, unless the Member’s statements and activities remain hermetically sealed within the halls of Congress, the privilege is of little effect.

Furthermore, the natural gas pipeline is far from the type of constituent service where a Member of Congress seeks to provide assistance to a single company or a few individuals. This was a matter of major economic interest to Alaska as a whole. It involves a major piece of federal legislation that Senator Stevens sponsored and pushed through Congress. Given the close connection between this legislation and the state legislation it required, it would be difficult to “question” Stevens’ involvement in the latter without implicating his role in the former. As Stevens explained in a March 9, 2007 speech to the Alaska legislature:

Given the current climate in Washington, D.C., it is vitally important for our Congressional delegation to work closely with you. Alaska succeeds when Alaskans work together.

The first test of our partnership begins with the gas pipeline. Alaska’s gas resources – 35 trillion cubic feet of natural gas, an estimated 200 trillion cubic feet of conventional gas resources, and 32,000 trillion cubic feet of gas hydrates – will help chart the course for the next generation of energy development in our country.

Our pipeline authorization process, which began with passage by Congress of the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act in 2004, must overcome many hurdles before the first pipe is laid.


Before construction can begin, our pipeline must go through several permitting processes, including approval by this state, FERC, and, perhaps, action by Canada. The timeline for our approval of the gas pipeline is very short. It is imperative that we act this year.

I met with Governor Palin in Washington and am encouraged by her efforts thus far. It is my hope that your review of Governor Palin’s plan will be completed as soon as possible. When the state has acted, our delegation will do all we can to accelerate federal review of the final design, precise location, and approval of the project, which will take time.

As this indicates, the pipeline project was an integrated effort involving Alaska’s congressional delegation as well as the Governor and state legislature. Even if part of this effort, such as Stevens’ communications with the Alaska legislature in support of the state legislation, is arguably unprotected by the Speech or Debate Clause, there is no way that the government could introduce evidence regarding isolated parts without implicating the whole.

Indeed, the reason that the prosecution seeks to introduce this evidence in the first place is to show that Stevens’ actions on the pipeline were taken on behalf of or for the benefit of VECO. In order to defend against this implication, Stevens will be required to put on evidence regarding the entire project, including the aspects that are clearly within the legislative sphere. The effect will be to have a mini-trial regarding the merits of Stevens’ legislative agenda with regard to the pipeline project, tried before a Washington, D.C. jury (if the government succeeds in fighting Stevens’ motion to move the trial to Alaska) disinterested in, if not actively hostile to, the Alaskan economic interests at stake. Such a spectacle would seem to strike at the very core of the protection the Speech or Debate Clause was intended to provide.

IMHO, the court should reject the prosecution’s attempt to introduce evidence in categories 2 and 3. In fact, given the peripheral nature of the point the government is trying to make (that Stevens’s relationship with VECO establishes his motive and intent with regard to omitting matters from his financial disclosure statement), it could be argued that all or almost all of this evidence is more prejudicial than probative. The government should have no need to establish anything beyond the (presumably uncontested) fact that VECO and Allen sought assistance from Stevens and his office on various occasions during the relevant time period.

Senator Stevens’ Speech or Debate Defense


Senator Stevens’s lawyers have filed a blizzard of motions attacking the indictment against him.  One contends that the indictment violates the Speech or Debate Clause of the Constitution.   For the reasons set forth below, it is highly unlikely that Stevens will be successful in having the indictment dismissed on this basis.  Making this argument, however, could be to Stevens’s advantage for two reasons: (1) it focuses the court’s attention on some of the peripheral allegations of the indictment, which could lead to the court limiting the government’s ability to present evidence on these allegations and (2) it creates an opportunity for Stevens to take an immediate appeal, which could result in delaying the trial.  Stevens’s Speech or Debate theory is focused on Paragraph 17 of the indictment, which states:


 17.  It was part of the scheme that STEVENS, while during that same time period that he was concealing his continuing receipt of things of value from ALLEN and VECO from 1996 to 2006, received and accepted solicitations for multiple official actions from ALLEN and other VECO employees, and knowing that STEVENS could and did use his official position and his office on behalf of VECO during that same time period.These solicitations for official action, some of which were made directly to STEVENS, included the following topics: (a) funding requests and other assistance with certain international VECO projects and partnerships, including those in Pakistan and Russia; (b) requests for multiple federal grants and contracts to benefit VECO, its subsidiaries, and its business partners, including grants from the National Science Foundation to a VECO subsidiary; and (c) assistance on both federal and state issues in connection with the effort to construct a natural gas pipeline from Alaska’s North Slope Region

Stevens accuses the government of  “the strategic use of pluralization and the word ‘including’” so as to sweep potential legislative acts within the broad scope of activities for which Steven received solicitations. Thus, for example, the “official action” requested could have been a phone call to an executive branch official urging favorable consideration of VECO’s application for a contract or grant, which would not be a legislative act protected by the Speech or Debate Clause, or voting for an earmark in an appropriations bill, which would be.

Even if Paragraph 17 refers to legislative acts, however, this would not necessarily violate the Speech or Debate Clause. Under the confusing and rather illogical framework established by the courts, references to future legislative acts are not themselves considered to be protected by the privilege. Thus, the government may be permitted to show that Stevens received solicitations to perform legislative acts, so long as it does not allege or prove that he actually performed such acts.

On the other hand, the first sentence of Paragraph 17 alleges that someone (presumably the conspirators) performed their concealment “knowing that Stevens could and did use his official position and his office on behalf of VECO.” This sentence isambiguous (in addition to being confusing and rather ungrammatical) with regard to whether the government is alleging only the state of mind of the conspirators (i.e., what they thought they knew about Stevens’s previous actions) or what Stevens actually did. If the former, the Speech or Debate Clause arguably would not apply. In the McDade case, for example, the Third Circuit rejected a Speech or Debate challenge to the indictment, explaining that “the indictment relies on the defendant’s committee status, not to show that he actually performed any legislative acts, but to show that he was thought by those offering him bribes and illegal gratuities to have performed such acts and to have the capacity to perform other similar acts.”

Given the case law, there seems to be little ground for arguing that the indictment on its face violates the Speech or Debate Clause. Moreover, as Stevens himself argues, the allegations of Paragraph 17 are not necessary to the counts against him. Even if the grand jury was exposed to some Speech or Debate material in connection with these allegations, this would not be the sort of wholesale violation of the privilege that would permeate the grand jury proceedings and warrant the dismissal of the indictment.

Nevertheless, by making this motion, Stevens may hope to sensitize the court to the fact that the government is trying to introduce a great deal of evidence regarding his official actions, many of which are, at the very least, closely related to his legislative activities. The government is not alleging that these actions were a quid pro quo for the favors Stevens allegedly received from Allen or VECO, or that they were otherwise part of any criminal conduct. Stevens is not charged with bribery or with receiving gifts related to official actions. Instead, he is charged with falsifying his financial disclosure statements by failing to include gifts received from or liabilities owed to Allen or VECO.

The government contends that Stevens’s official actions demonstrate “Senator Stevens’ intent and his motive to conceal the substantial benefits he received from VECO.” It is questionable, however, how much probative value this evidence actually has. If Stevens was receiving gifts from VECO, his motivation not to disclose them seems clear, since such accepting such gifts would violate the Senate’s rules. Indeed, one assumes that Stevens’s defense will not be based on the absence of motivation to conceal the payments in question, but on the fact that he did not know he was required to disclose these payments.

It might be argued that if Stevens were to disclose gifts from or liabilities to a company with substantial business interests that could be impacted by his official actions, this might attract more attention than a similar disclosure related to a company with no such interests (assuming one could find a company with no interests impacted by the chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee). But this seems like a fairly tangential point, one that could be made without a detailed recitation of all the assistance sought by VECO or provided by Stevens. The real point of the evidence the government seeks to submit may be to prejudice the jury against Stevens by implying bribery without actually alleging or proving it.

Will Judge Bates Issue a Stay in the Miers Case?

           In his July 31 decision on the congressional subpoenas to Harriet Miers and Josh Bolten, Judge Bates noted “the likelihood of appeal of this decision,” and he observed that “given the significance of the issues involved, a stay pending appeal is at least possible.”  The court will now have to resolve this issue because the Justice Department has filed a notice of appeal and moved for a stay 

            Notwithstanding the court’s evident willingness to consider a stay, I think the Justice Department has an uphill battle here.  In evaluating a stay, the court is required to weigh four factors: (1) the likelihood that the Executive will prevail on the merits of its appeal; (2) the likelihood that the Executive (or Miers/Bolten) will suffer irreparable harm without a stay; (3) the harm that will be caused to the House or others by granting a stay; and (4) the public interest.

(1). The chances of the Executive prevailing on appeal seem low. Judge Bates firmly rejected the Justice Department’s main argument, which was that the House lacked standing to bring the lawsuit. His opinion concludes that “[c]lear judicial precedent, along with persuasive reasoning in OLC opinions, establishes that the Committee has standing to pursue this action and, moreover, that this type of dispute is justiciable in federal court.” Nothing in his opinion suggests that he viewed this as a close question.

The court was even more emphatic in rejecting the absolute immunity argument advanced by the Justice Department, describing it as “unprecedented” and “without any support in the case law.” After dismissing the Reno and Bradbury opinions which attempted to support this argument as “for the most part conclusory and recursive,” the court concluded that “[c]lear precedent and persuasive policy reasons confirm that the Executive cannot be the judge of its own privilege and hence Ms. Miers is not entitled to absolute immunity from compelled congressional process.”

The court also rejected the Justice Department’s contention that the complaint be dismissed because there was no cause of action authorizing the lawsuit. It did so on two alternative grounds, finding first that the case could be brought under the Declaratory Judgment Act without a free-standing cause of action and that in any event the Committee had an implied cause of action derived from Article I to seek a judicial declaration concerning the exercise of its subpoena power. The court acknowledged, however, that these were fairly novel questions and that there was little case law on point.

Given that direct litigation between the political branches is rare, and the lack of directly applicable precedent on the cause of action issue, the court will probably acknowledge that there is some possibility that the Executive will prevail on the merits of its appeal. Of course, this assumes that the court’s order is in fact appealable, which is also uncertain. All in all, it seems likely that the court will find that the first factor at most mildly favors the granting of a stay.

(2). The biggest obstacle faced by the Executive is substantiating the claim that it will suffer irreparable injury if a stay is not granted. The thrust of the argument is that Judge Bates’s order “negates” Miers’s asserted absolute immunity by ordering Miers to appear and testify before the Committee.

There are several problems with this argument. First, even if Miers were to appear before the Committee, it is difficult to see how this would cause the Executive irreparable injury. The only injury that the Justice Department has identified that might conceivably be caused by such an appearance would be a rather intangible injury to presidential “autonomy.” But the court has already dismissed this notion, noting that “the Executive’s interest in ‘autonomy’ rests upon a discredited notion of executive power and privilege.”

Second, it is difficult to see how a single appearance by Miers could cause serious, much less irreparable, harm of any kind. The Justice Department has suggested that permitting Congress to subpoena senior White House officials would give Congress the ability to undermine the President’s independence and autonomy by allowing it to summon his advisers at will, thus leaving him exposed to harassment and his advisers subject to potentially vexatious or oppressive questioning. But whatever one thinks of this specter, it is one that would emerge over time, not as the result of a single appearance by a former WH counsel regarding a subject the court has already found to be a proper matter for congressional inquiry.

The mere fact that Miers should appear before the Committee does not, of course, prevent the Executive from asserting its absolute immunity theory with respect to other congressional subpoenas, including subpoenas that are currently outstanding to other senior officials, such as Karl Rove. It is possible that Miers’s appearance would moot the absolute immunity issue here, thus depriving the Executive of the ability to preserve the issue for appellate review with respect to this particular case. Even that is not certain, however, as the court of appeals might consider the issue in the context of a subsequent refusal by Miers to answer particular questions posed by the Committee. In any event, it seems highly doubtful that the possibility of mooting the absolute immunity issue would be considered an irreparable injury.

The idea that Miers’s appearance would cause irreparable injury is further undermined by the fact that the Executive has already offered to have Miers appear, in private, and answer questions posed by the Committee. It is difficult to see how there could be irreparable injury from Miers’s mere appearance if the Executive has already offered such an appearance. (As far as I know, the Executive has not claimed that her appearance in a public setting would cause a discrete injury and any such injury could be remedied by having her appear in closed session). Moreover, as the court pointed out in its opinion, “the historical record produced by the Committee reveals that senior advisors to the President have often testified before Congress subject to various subpoenas dating back to 1973.”

Finally, it is critical to note, as the court repeatedly emphasized in its opinion, that Miers has not been ordered to answer any questions, and that the court has not addressed the merits of any particular assertion of executive privilege. There is nothing in the court’s opinion that prevents Miers from appearing and refusing to answer every question that calls for non-public information. Thus, the Executive can hardly claim that a stay is needed to protect its confidentiality interests.

Indeed, the court did not even order Miers to appear before the Committee. The court’s order declares that Miers “is legally required to testify pursuant to a duly issued congressional subpoena from plaintiff,” but it does not order her to appear at any particular date and time. Judge Bates, in fact, implies at times that the court’s power may be limited to issuing declaratory, as opposed to injunctive, relief. At any rate, at this juncture the court has done no more than declare Miers’s duty to appear. As the judge repeatedly emphasized, it is his strong desire that the parties themselves work out the remainder of the dispute without the need for any further judicial intervention.

The only thing that the court actually ordered was the production of “non-privileged” documents and further description of documents withheld. Since it is up to the Executive in the first instance to decide which documents it believes are “non-privileged” and to decide how much of a description to give, this order hardly can be viewed as causing irreparable damage.

For these reasons this factor should cut heavily against the granting of a stay.

(3). The court must also consider the harm that granting a stay would cause to the House and to the Committee. Judge Bates has already found that the Committee is conducting an appropriate and legitimate investigation into the termination of U.S. Attorneys and that the refusal to respond to the subpoenas had caused an information injury to the Committee. Although the court did not attempt to quantify this injury, it seemed to acknowledge the importance of the information sought when it credited the Committee’s finding that “Ms. Miers had played a significant personal role in the termination decision-making.”

Furthermore, the court has already recognized that time is short, and that the end of the 110th Congress could moot the subpoenas. Granting a stay would likely make it impossible for the Committee to obtain the information it seeks before the Committee itself (technically) expires at the end of the Congress.

The harm to the Committee appears particularly acute when one considers the context of the negotiations between the parties. Judge Bates has noted that “the record reflects that it was the Executive and not the Committee that refused to budge from its initial bargaining position.” He also observed that “the prospect of ultimate judicial resolution will help to ensure that the parties continue to negotiate in good faith rather than rewarding intransigence.”

Given these statements by the court, it is somewhat surprising that the Executive has apparently not made any new offer to the Committee to attempt to meet the Committee’s need for information. One obvious possibility would be for the Executive to reiterate its offer of a private interview with Miers (limited to Miers’s communications with persons outside the WH), but without the “poison pill” condition that the Committee waive its right to seek additional information. Alternatively, the Executive could at least offer to allow Miers to appear before the Committee (or staff) in closed session so that Miers could invoke executive privilege on a question-by-question basis. By failing to make any such proposals, the Executive creates the impression that it is not interested in meeting the Committee’s need for information or even in moving the process forward, but is simply trying to run out the clock.

Perhaps recognizing this problem, WH Counsel Fred Fielding wrote to Chairman Conyers on August 8, stating “the fact that the Executive has noticed an appeal in this matter does not signify that we think further litigation is the exclusive way forward.” Fielding proposed further talks to reach an accommodation between the branches. At the moment, however, there is nothing on the table that would seem to mitigate the harm that the Committee and House will suffer by virtue of the granting of a stay. Indeed, one could say that the issuance of a stay at this point would reward the Executive’s intransigence.

This factor therefore weighs against the granting of a stay.

(4). The court has also recognized the case “raises issues of enormous ‘public importance.’” Whether this statement referred to the legal issues in the case and/or the factual and public policy issues in the underlying investigation is unclear, but the court made several statements which suggested it viewed the investigation itself as significant to the public interest.

Indeed, perhaps the most surprising aspect of Judge Bates’s opinion was the degree to which he seemed to accept the Committee’s characterization of the underlying investigation into the firing of the U.S. Attorneys. For example, he suggested that the congressional investigation in McGrain v. Daugherty, 273 U.S. 135 (1927), involved “nearly the identical subject matter that the Committee is investigating.” The Committee’s investigation, he explained, is not merely “into the Executive’s use of his removal power but rather a broader inquiry into whether improper partisan considerations have influenced prosecutorial discretion.” At another point, he stated that “Congress’s use of (and need for vindication of) its subpoena power in this case is no less legitimate or important than was the grand jury’s in United States v. Nixon.” [note: Judge Bates appears to be under the impression that the Nixon case involved a grand jury subpoena, whereas in fact it was a criminal trial subpoena].

To the extent that Judge Bates is equating the firing of the U.S. Attorneys with Teapot Dome (McGrain) or Watergate (Nixon), I think he has gone a little over the top. Nevertheless, he clearly believes that this investigation serves an important public interest, and therefore he will likely find that this factor also cuts against the issuance of a stay.

The Justice Department will probably contend that there is an important public interest in having the court of appeals review the significant legal issues in this case. As already noted, however, it is by no means clear that a stay is needed to preserve the possibility of appellate review. Moreover, to this logic would suggest that the Executive is more interested in obtaining appellate review than in trying to work out a resolution that could satisfy the interests of both branches. It seems highly unlikely that Judge Bates, who emphasized the importance of attempting to resolve the parties’ differences through negotiation and accommodation, would accept this logic.

For all of these reasons I predict that Judge Bates will deny the request for a stay pending appeal.